Dates Almond Milkshake

What do you think about this quote? When I was shared this first, I got irritated, then I laughed... after long, when I was reminded of it again as I saw it somewhere else, I thought... When you fall, you have no one else to hold you and ultimately you land up on the floor. My mattamma would always say that falling is when the angels that are holding you decide to just leave you for sometime. I used to first think of it like a joke - after all when our grandparents tell anything, we love to brush it off in first instance, don't we? But I feel it is true. When you fall, whether it is physical or mental, the imbalance that comes with it makes you feel as though some force somewhere has just given up on you. It may be for a short period or for a long period. Physical falls are always just seconds, but impact lasts depending upon where you go hit yourself. I guess I don't have to elaborate on mental falls! The floor may be there to hold you, but instead of lying there and thinking too much, get up and move on...

Off to today's recipe - I clicked this milkshake eons ago, I really mean it!!! Though I keep making it often, it lands up directly to where it has to go rather than for photography, as I normally don't have the patience to wait. And knowing that I have already clicked a picture which was good enough (as per me, that is!), I was really not bothered to click it again. Running through my drafts, I struggled to keep my jaws from dropping as to for how long this delicious milkshake has been pending! Hmm... I don't want to gag about the marriage of dates and almonds, it is just out of the world. You don't even have to make a milkshake - you just need to pop in a large date with a couple of almonds and slowly chew it, to know the magic!!! I always loved my dates and almonds separate, but once introduced to this combination, I am hooked and I know I wont give it up, not at least in the near future! If you have some time and patience to wait to have it as a milkshake, then this is one I would suggest you all to try. Definitely, a powerhouse of nutrients and energy... perfect for breakfast and after a workout. (take me out, in that second case! Hehe...)

Dates Almond Milkshake
Serves 2


15 dates, pitted and chopped
10 almonds
1 cup cold milk
1 cup water
1 tbsp honey (optional)


Soak the dates and almond in the water for at least 10 minutes, so that it gets slightly soft and your blender does not have a hard time grinding it!

Add all the ingredients in the blender and blend till smooth. Serve in tall glasses and devour!!!


1. You may want to peel off the almond skin, but I would suggest to keep it. Gives a delicious bite to the smoothie!
2. Honey is not required if the dates are already really sweet. It is suggested to add it to the final blending, once you check the sweetness of the dates.

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